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What we do, have done, and intend to do

There’s a theme to our work.  We want to enable the manufacturing workforce – all of it, factory technicians, engineers, supervisors, C-Suite execs, salespeople, HR, lawyers, finance – to understand what their company makes and how.  We want them to recognize that their role is critical to the well-being of society.


Our intention is to support that third of the manufacturing workforce that operates under legacy, pre-digital conditions.  We build that support up from an understanding of what is holding them back and how to address those obstacles.  Slope of One, our pandemic-era strategy for optimizing both employee health and corporate wealth, was a coming-to-terms with the urgent need to modernize, to take advantage of the Cloud – as Zoom so admirably led – and enable meaningful actions previously considered impossible to become routine.  Why not have sensors collect and report measurements… After all, people hundreds of miles apart could see and speak to one another?  What’s holding you back?


Oh, we realized, there’s a chasm.  On the pre-digital side is Pen & Clipboard and slow, manual activity.  On the Industry 4.0/Smart Manufacturing side is quick access to information and better decision-making.  Crossing that chasm meant learning a new language and adjusting to a new culture.


But doing so meant a bright, meaningful, fully engaging future.  And so, Slope of One grew to be Wind4.  Actually?  Wind4 is also evolving.  Call us to learn how.

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